Forex Breakout & Forex Strategies Revealed

Abandoned Baby Bearish

June 5, 2011



How to identify it:

·  First day is usually a long white day

·  Second day is a doji that gaps in the direction of the previous trend

·  The third day is a black day, gapping in the opposite direction, with no overlapping


What it Means:

In an uptrend, the market builds strength on a long white day and gaps open on the second

day. However, the second day trades within a small range and closes at or near its open.

This scenario definitely shows an erosion of confidence in the current trend. Confirmation

of the trend reversal is the black third day, which is given extra validation by the downward


Tri Star Bullish

June 4, 2011
PATTERN : Reversal

TREND : Bullish


How to identify it:

·  A doji occurs on three consecutive trading days

·  The second doji gaps below the first and third 

What it Means :

In an long downtrend, the market shows signs of a rally as the real bodies have grown

progressively smaller. The trend culminates with the bullish Tri Star, identifying that many

bearish positions may be reversing. 

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Rising Three Methods Bullish

June 4, 2011
PATTERN: Reversal

TREND: Bullish


How to identify it:

·  The first day is a long white day

·  The second, third, and fourth days have small real bodies and follow a brief

downtrend pattern, but stay within the range of the first day

·  The fifth day is a long white day that closes above the close of the first day 
What it Means:

In an uptrend, a long white day occurs, following by three days of small real bodies that fall

into a short downtrend. On the fifth day, the bulls come in s...

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Piercing Lines Bullish

June 4, 2011
PATTERN: Reversal

TREND: Bullish


 How to Identify it :
·  First day is a long black day

·  Second day is a white day with an open below previous days low

·  Second days close is within but above the midpoint of the first days body

What it Means:

In a downtrend the market gaps open, but rallies strong to close above the previous days

midpoint. This pattern suggests an opportunity for the bulls to enter the market and

support the trend reversal. The Piercing Line pattern is the op...

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Morning Star Bullish

June 4, 2011
PATTERN: Reversal

TREND: Bullish


 How to identify it:
·  First day is a long black day

·  Second day is a small day that gaps in the direction of the previous trend

·  the third day is a white day

What it Means:

In a downtrend, the market bolsters the bearish trend with a long black day and gaps open

on the second day. However, the second day trades within a small range and closes at or

near its open. This scenario generally shows the potential for a rally, as many positions

have be...

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Morning Doji Star Bullish

June 4, 2011
PATTERN : Reversal

TREND : Bullish


How to identify it:

·  First day is a long black day

·  Second day is a doji that gaps in the direction of the previous trend

·  The third day is a white day 

 What it Means :
In a downtrend, the market bolsters the bearish trend with a long black day and gaps open

on the second day. However, the second day trades within a small range and closes at or

near its open. This scenario generally shows the potential for a rally, as many positions

have be...

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Kicking Bullish

June 4, 2011
PATTERN: Reversal

TREND: Bullish


How to identify it:

·  The first day is a Black Marubuzo day

·  The second day is a White Marubuzo day that gaps upward

What it Means:

This pattern is a strong sign that the market is headed upward. With this indicator, the

previous market direction is not as important as with other indicators 

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Harami Bullish

June 4, 2011
PATTERN: Reversal

TREND: Bullish


 How to identify it:
·  A long black day occurs

·  The second day is a white day where the real body is completely engulfed by the

real body of the first

What it Means :

After a long black day at the low end of a downtrend, a white candlestick opens higher than

the previous day's close. The price is driven up, as many shorts are covered, which

encourages further buy-ins. The Harami indicator should be confirmed with the next

trading day's candlestick f...

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Inverted Hammer / Gravestone Doji Bullish

June 4, 2011
PATTERN: Reversal

TREND: Bullish

RELIABILITY: Low / Moderate

 How to Identify it :
·  Small real body at the lower end of the trading range

·  Upper shadow usually no more than twice as long as the real body

·  No (or almost no) lower shadow

What it Means:

As the market opens below the close of the previous day, the bulls rally briefly, but not

enough to close above the previous day's close. As this leaves shorts in a losing position,

the Inverted Hammer presents the potential for an upcoming rally....

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: Engulfing Bullish:

May 30, 2011
PATTERN: Reversal

TREND: Bullish


How to identify it:

·  A long black day occurs

·  The second day is a white that completely engulfs the real body of the first day

 What it Means:
Occurring in a downtrend, the Engulfing depicts an opening at a new low, followed by a

high buy-in that closes at or above the previous day's open. This signifies that the

downtrend has lost momentum and the bulls may be gaining strength. The Engulfing

indicator is also the first two days of the Three O...

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